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Sunday, August 23, 2020
Friday, August 21, 2020
Gone in 60 Seconds essays
Gone in 60 Seconds articles Gone in 60 Seconds reunites on-screen character Nicolas Cage with maker Jerry Bruckheimer. The two are known for probably the best activity films ever, including The Rock and Con Air. Gone in 60 Seconds carries on that exact same convention with quick rapid activity and quick fast vehicle pursues. Gone in 60 Seconds recounts to the narrative of Randall Memphis Raines (Cage), a resigned vehicle criminal who has surrendered the life of wrongdoing and has settled down. His more youthful sibling (Ribisi), is still especially into the vehicle taking scene, and has gotten himself into issue with his supervisor by bungling a costly lift. The manager at that point sends a final proposal to Memphis: possibly he returns to the business and lifts 50 vehicles in 4 days, or his sibling passes on. Memphis chooses to come back to his previous calling for his sibling, and accumulates some old companions and structures a group of vehicle boosting specialists. The science between the majority of the characters works. Confine plays the defensive more seasoned sibling to Ribisi, a child whos gotten into the existence excessively profound and winds up in additional inconvenience than he can deal with. Robert Duvall is the veteran who plans the entirety The supporting cast is there for some lighthearted element. They fill the film with numerous platitudes and generalizations. Ribisis youthful companions are the specific inverse of Cages team. They are utilizing their new cutting edge devices to take vehicles for the cash, in contrast to Cage and his team who do it for the hurry. In one of the more entertaining scenes, an individual from Cages group is vehicle jacked while he is heading out with a taken vehicle. Rather than giving up, he reviles, escapes his vehicle, whips the vehicle jacker, and addresses him that hes a beginner who doesnt know the main thing about reall ... <! Gone in 60 Seconds articles In the film Gone in 60 Seconds, Nicolas Cage stars as Randall Memphis Raines, a previous vehicle hoodlum who was at one time the best in the business. When Memphiss more youthful sibling, Kip (Giovanni Ribisi), stumbles into difficulty with hazardous vehicle runner Raymond Calitri (Christopher Eccleston), Memphis is constrained out of retirement so as to spare his siblings life. With Kips life on the line, Memphis is given the assignment of taking 50 outlandish vehicles from all over Los Angeles in less than 72 hours. To do this, he enrolls the assistance of his old vehicle taking accomplices, including his tutor (Robert Duvall) and a past love interest (Angelina Jolie). When he gets everybody together, Memphis endeavors to do the unthinkable: sort out the burglary of the 50 vehicles in a solitary night. All through this procedure, Memphis and his posse are hampered by rivals, security frameworks, and the best endeavors of a LAPD analyst (Delroy Lindo) who is out to get him. By and by, I thought the film was acceptable. It was a smart flick that kept my advantage the entire path through. While a few people may imagine that the film is simply one more activity film, I accept something else. It is driven by a cool idea that separates it from other activity flicks, and not at all like most motion pictures, this one has a great equalization of minds and strength. An extraordinary thing about the film is the trace of tension that waits all through it. Taking 50 intriguing vehicles is no simple errand, and simply watching Memphis and his group attempt to pull off the heist in a solitary night kept my eyes stuck to the screen. As the film moved on, it bit by bit turned out to be additionally energizing and sensational; this was a main motivation behind why the film was so engaging and engaging. While the film had a few noteworthy minutes, plainly the best part was an exciting vehicle pursue through the packed avenues of LA, in which Memphis is sought after by v arious squad cars and helicopters as he attempts to convey the 50th vehicle to the dock with time a ... <!
Saturday, July 11, 2020
Three Common Argumentative Essay Topics
Three Common Argumentative Essay TopicsHow do you decide what argumentative essay topics to cover in your argumentative writing class? There are many different options available for you to use to write and present your thesis. Here are three basic options for you to consider.'Government Diet' essay topics are a popular choice for students to choose. To be honest, this is not really an argumentative essay topic at all. The problem with this topic is that it's so general. It just focuses on the people involved in the government as being incapable of doing anything right. And instead of using a thesis statement to make the point, the person who chooses this theme has to rely on their reasoning abilities to carry them through.On the other hand, there are arguments out there that don't rely on arguments as much as they rely on examples and data to support their argument. The classic example of this is public relations. They have a long and well-established history of successful communicat ion, but you might be wondering why this is so. You can find it hard to think of a way to come up with an example or data to back up their arguments. But if you can come up with a few valid points, you're in good shape.Another example of government diet issues is the subject of a diet guide book. There are several versions of these books and each version has its own issues. If you know the basics about a typical recipe, you can often point out in your essay that the cookbook will only help you make things too difficult. The cookbook can't actually improve the process because recipes are notoriously difficult to understand. Most cookbooks only help the cookers get it all down to an easy-to-read format, making it hard to use recipes.It's always a good idea to think of a thesis statement as a guideline for your essay, but it doesn't need to be the main focus. The essay topic you choose needs to be one that helps you present your argument. In some cases, you may not be able to use the t hesis statement to help you decide what argumentative essay topics to use. That's why this argumentative essay topic is perfect for students who need a quick look at some things that may happen.This is an extremely common option when you're choosing argumentative essay topics. One of the problems with this option is that it's based solely on data and that data isn't always logical. This is where data is important and you have to come up with a plan or hypothesis on how you will go about supporting your data. It's always a good idea to give examples of how this works.The most important part of this essay topic is going to be your conclusion. This is the conclusion that you end the essay with. You have to be sure to write this with a certain amount of balance because this is a very critical section of the essay. The conclusion needs to be something that's grounded in facts, but something that's enough to persuade the reader of your position. While a thesis statement might be the tip o f the iceberg when it comes to arguing with an essay topic, the conclusion should be the full extent of the arguments you present.These are the three most common argumentative essay topics. There are also several others, but this should get you started. Consider each of these options when you're choosing your essay topic and see how it makes you feel about your choice.
Wednesday, May 20, 2020
Personal Statement Of The Classroom - 1257 Words
The following paper will focus on an individual placed in a very specific teaching setting. For the purpose of the paper, the classroom will be located in an international school in Spain, therefore the language being taught will be Spanish. However, the majority of the concepts introduced are applicable to similar classroom setups in a variety of countries. As this is an international school classroom, the students hail from a multitude of different countries, meaning they do not all share a common first language. This will pose a great challenge to the teacher, whose previous experience solely consists of teaching Spanish in the United States, where almost all of her students spoke English as a first language. She is accustomed to using her students’ L1 as an anchor for teaching the L2, often code-switching to explain grammar and other key concepts. Now, however, she understands that she will have to modify her teaching method. She must now figure out a way to spend almost t he entirety of her time teaching in the target language of Spanish. This will serve as the umbrella theme under which she will also address a variety of other modifications and concepts she must consider in her new classroom. All of these modifications serve to improve her ability to teach the class almost exclusively in the target language. What is to follow in this paper is the teacher’s firsthand account, written approximately a month before she is to start teaching, of how she plans to handle thisShow MoreRelatedPersonal Statement On Classroom Management1439 Words  | 6 PagesPhilosophy Statement in Classroom Management I believe classroom management is extremely significant for teachers and effective teachers know how to manage the classroom while helping students to behave appropriately. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
A Brief Note On Book The Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn
Sarah Jane Reshetiloff Mr. O’Hearn Honors British Literature 26 September 2015 Social Satire in The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Mark Twain’s novel The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is a masterful social satire that demonstrates the awakening of a young, adventurous boy living in a culture of slavery. He uses humor and an unreliable narrator to convey social satire in the novel to reflect the flaws of society toward in the antebellum south. The novel was published in 1884, just after slavery was abolished in 1865. Needless to say, racism was prevalent and although slavery was outlawed, colored people did not have equal rights to white people. African-Americans across the country were still treated disrespectfully, beaten, and often murdered. With the outlawing of slavery in the south, racism was much more common there than in the north. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn takes place on the Mississippi River along Missouri and other various southern states. In the story, Huck Finn is a young boy who seeks adventures and does not wish to be civilized by the women in charge of him. He sets out on a journey to help free a slave named Jim, in a time period where slavery is legal in the south. They encounter many obstacles such as other characters, means of transportation, the possibility of getting caught, and also the war Huck is at with himself. He battles over whether he is doing the right thing. He feels that freeing Jim is morally correct but because of the society heShow MoreRelatedHuckleberry Finn Research Paper1917 Words  | 8 PagesHuckleberry Finn: a Struggle for Freedom Mark Twains Huckleberry Finn so innocently reveals the potential nobility of human nature in its well-loved main characters that it could never successfully support anything so malicious as slavery. Huckleberry Finn and traveling companion Jim, a runaway slave, are unknowing champions for humility, mercy, and selflessness. â€Å"Twain used realistic language in the novel, making Huck’s speech sound like actual conversation and imitatingRead MoreThe Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn By Mark Twain2388 Words  | 10 PagesStay in School, Huck Finn! Intro Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is Mark Twain’s most popular and perhaps most controversial book. It is celebrated by many to be the quintessential classic american novel, depicting boyhood adventure along the mighty Mississippi River in the mid seventeenth century. But, simultaneously, many also feel that the book is unsuitable for the classroom. Its controversy lies in the notion by some that it is racist and promotes racism, while humiliating black students. MuchRead MoreThe Adventures Of Tom Sawyer2307 Words  | 10 PagesIn the first chapter Huckleberry Finn relays his version of the events that transpired in the conclusion of The Adventure of Tom Sawyer. He explains that he and Tom Sawyer became very wealthy after uncovering a cache of gold that was hidden by a band of local robbers, and how after this, under the supervision of Judge Thatcher, Huckleberry’s money was invested and he was placed into the care of the Widow Douglas to be â€Å"civilized†. Huckleberry reveals that Judge Thatcher and the Widow Douglas’s justificationRead MoreChris Krakauer s Non Fiction Book Into The Wild1515 Words  | 7 Pagesnovels and films have both glorified and censured the youthful adventure tale, perpetuating an image of adolescents (particularly young males) as courageous yet foolhardy individuals who adama ntly desire self-discovery. 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It will be useful to discuss several different bildungsromans from different eras and regions to fully determine the necessary characteristics of a bildungsroman, like The Odyssey, To Kill a Mockingbird, David Copperfield, Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, and The Catcher in the Rye. One of the most well-known bildungsromans and one of the most applicable to Eve’s development is To Kill a Mockingbird. Scout Finch goes through a process comparable to Eve’s, and will be especially usefulRead MoreBrief Survey of American Literature3339 Words  | 14 PagesBrief Survey of American Literature 1. Beginnings to 1700 Great mixing of peoples from the whole Atlantic basin Bloody conflicts between Native Americans (or American Indians) and European explorers and settlers who had both religious and territorial aspirations - Native American oral literature / oral tradition - European explorers’ letters, diaries, reports, etc., such as Christopher Columbus’s letters about his voyage to the â€Å"New world†. - Anglo (New England) settlers’ books, sermonsRead MoreANALIZ TEXT INTERPRETATION AND ANALYSIS28843 Words  | 116 Pagesfive-stage structure is repeated in many of the individual chapters, while the novel as a whole builds on a series of increasing conflicts and crises. Such a structure is found both in such classics of fiction as Flaubert’s â€Å"Madame Bovary†and in the adventure thrillers of Alistar MacLean. EXPOSITION: The exposition is the beginning section in which the author provides the necessary background information, sets the scene, establishes the situation, and dates the action. It may also introduce the charactersRead MoreInterpretation of the Text13649 Words  | 55 Pageswords: a world of forms, images, and sounds that are all designed to work together. This does not mean that works of literature have nothing to do with reality. On the contrary, Walt Whitmans poems often address the reader directly; Mark Twains Huckleberry Finn has everything to do with the history of American slavery; and when Emily Dickinson writes, 1 never hear the word escape Without a quicker †¢blood, she is surely expressing her ovm feelings. The world of literature is watered by many streamsRead MoreLangston Hughes Research Paper25309 Words  | 102 Pagesfrom rowdy white boys who chased and teased him about the second hand clothes and cast-off womens shoes that he wore. Langston spent many hours sitting on a stool beside his grandmother, who read him stories from the Bible or from his favorite book, Grimms Fairy Tales. Her long wavy hair had very little gray in it, and in her ears she wore the small gold earrings Langstons grandfather left her. Her lips were thin, and her skin, wrinkled like an Indian squaws, was a lighter shade of brown
Raising the Retirement Age for Government Benefits- myassignmenthelp
Question: Discuss about theRaising the Retirement Age for Government Benefits. Answer: Introduction Retirement or pension age is the age when an individual becomes eligible to take government benefits. The retirement age of an individual in Australia is 65 and half years. Some individuals who are not working can also be treated as retired as they can make use of their health benefits offered by government. According to the research it can be stated that retirement age in Australia will rise to 20 years in upcoming years. Retirement can be stated as a virtue when an employee leaves the organisation or they withdraw their designation from the organisation. Retirement Criteria In Australia having a fixed retirement age for every individual is considered as unlawful. According to Government of Australia retirement age is not fixed and differs from one person to another as the retirement age in defence force is 60, reservist have 65 as their retirement age, judges have their retirement age of 70. Thus people choose their age of retirement according to the age when they become eligible for pension. From July 2017 pension age is 65 and have the chances to rises till age 67 in July 2023 (De Gruyter, Ford Stavreski, 2016). There are many factors that affect the retirement decision like experience, education and social security of an individual. Sometimes greater wealth leads to have early retirement. Additionally once a person has taken permanent retirement they cannot come again in the working stage (Schofield, et. al, 2015). People who retire early have chances to become seriously ill that make average life expectancy for all retirees lower. There's another factor that affects the retirement age is distorts. Raising the retirement age Raising the retirement age is major challenge as it affects the economies of the country. Australia has lower birth rates which result in increased demand for helping ageing population (Wang, Koo O'Hare, 2016). It is important to improve retirement system in a country by offering benefits in retirement savings and increasing the retirement age so that individual becomes eligible for public pension. It has both positive and negative sides of rising the retirement age. The positive impact to raise the retirement age is that it helps the country to increase their productivity which in turn increases the tax revenues. The productivity means more revenue to the country which could be used for development of countries growth. It also helps in reducing the budget and no affecting the overall growth of the country (Stebbing Spies-Butcher, 2016). Increasing the retirement age can be beneficial for the company as an organisation will have more experienced employees which will helps in improving the decision making power in an organisation. They can easily manage the disastrous condition and take benefits of super saving account, government pension, investments and the source of casual income. It can be problematic to raise the retirement age as it is very difficult to manage the government debt and create budgeting issues (Vogel, Ludwig Brsch-Supan, 2017). According to the research it can be stated that number of job vacancy is fixed and is limited at point of time. If the retirement age would increase it will increase the ratio of unemployment as it would be hard for youngsters to find job. It is true that if youngsters work for the country it would be beneficial as they work with, more enthusiasm and are more productive. They even help in innovative new ideas for betterment. The productivity of a person usually decreases if he/she is more than 60 years (Lalive Staubli, 2014). So, there is no point to increase the retirement age as old age people usually suffer from health problems. Thus, instead of raising the retirement age government should establish special employment schemes. The knowledge gained in their experiences could be used to train the fresher so that they know how to tackle the situations. Retirement people have chances that they can do something else but if fresher do not get job they get depressed and demotivated. Impact of rising the retirement age Social security gets affected by rising the retirement age as it helps the fresher to learn from experience employees. Additionally retirement at early age may impact the economy of the nation as it may be a burden for government to provide retirement funds. It is very productive if considered the case of better results ad efficiency. This will help old people to stay busy and will increase their life span (Heybroek, Haynes Baxter, 2015). Otherwise the retired people can act as a burden on the nations economy. Raising retirement age will impose employees to have lack of motivation as they need help of government. Retirement age should be decided according to the capability of a person to work in an organisation as if a person gets retirement at the time when he is capable of performing well can be a loss to an organisation. Retirement age discriminates a person who is willing to work (Naumann, 2014). Increasing the retirement age can lead to greater comfort. Alternate approaches Rising retirement age is beneficial for government as well as individual in some cases. It helps the government to save money by making fewer payments to the retirees and helps to improve the working environment of an organisation as they train younger employees (Australiancentre, 2017) . In some cases it decreases the time for people to enjoy their pension age as they get retired late (Ielts, 2017). The alternative approaches used instead of rising the retirement age is non-legislative standards. Other alternative is to work as a social servant this would help in contributing to the economy of nation. Other than that government has initiated various programs to reboots the productivity of employees (Careeride, 2017). According to the research it can be stated that government should first increase the health levels of retired employees so that they quest for higher minimum state pensionable age. Retirement age- Benchmark Australian retirement age can be seen as a benchmark as the eligibility completely depends upon the target and the capability of an individual. The Age Pension and superannuation are closely linked to each other d should be considered in parallel when changes are made (Bloom, Canning Moore, 2014). Retirement age in Australia is decided by keeping track of health of an individual as health helps in deciding the retirement age of an individual. Two policies were designed which act as a bench mark and changed the entire decision making process (Zacher Griffin, 2015). It was mentioned in the policy that in January 2014 the age of pension were same for both male and female. But in 2016 the pension age has increased and raise to 67 years and it is estimated that it will increasing with every year (Zhu, 2016). Pension age impact the decision in making retirement plan as it is dependent on life expectancy and in some cases it is dependent on country's parliament. Recommendations It can be recommended that retirement age should not be kept fixed but should be dependent on the capability of a person. If a person has the potential to enhance the productivity of an organisation, retirement age should be increased otherwise vice versa. Conclusion It can be concluded for the discussion of essay that increasing the retirement age is not possible practically but it may be beneficial as it will adversely affect an organizations productivity. On the other hand rising the retirement age can increase unemployment for youngsters. In Australia there is no fixed retirement age it is decided on various factors. Thus it can be concluded that instead of increasing the retirement age, governments may design special schemes to maintain the employment ratio and increase the revenue. References Australiancentre.(2017).The Age of Retirement.Retrieved from Bloom, D. E., Canning, D., Moore, M. (2014). Optimal retirement with increasing longevity.The Scandinavian journal of economics,116(3), 838-858. Careeride.(2017).Should the retirement age be increased to 65 years?.Retrieved from De Gruyter, E., Ford, G., Stavreski, B. (2016). Economic and social impact of increasing uptake of cardiac rehabilitation servicesa cost benefit analysis.Heart, Lung and Circulation,25(2), 175-183. Heybroek, L., Haynes, M., Baxter, J. (2015). Life satisfaction and retirement in Australia: A longitudinal approach.Work, Aging and Retirement,1(2), 166-180. Ielts.(2017).Should retirement age be increased?.Retrieved from Lalive, R., Staubli, S. (2014). How does raising womens full retirement age affect labor supply, income, and mortality.Evidence from Switzerland. Naumann, E. (2014). 11. Raising the retirement age: retrenchment, feedback and attitudes.How welfare states shape the democratic public: Policy feedback, participation, voting, and attitudes, 223. Stebbing, A., Spies-Butcher, B. (2016). The decline of a homeowning society? Asset-based welfare, retirement and intergenerational equity in Australia.Housing Studies,31(2), 190-207. Schofield, D., Cunich, M., Kelly, S., Passey, M. E., Shrestha, R., Callander, E., ... Veerman, L. (2015). The impact of diabetes on the labour force participation, savings and retirement income of workers aged 45-64 years in Australia.PloS one,10(2), e0116860. Vogel, E., Ludwig, A., Brsch-Supan, A. (2017). Aging and pension reform: extending the retirement age and human capital formation.Journal of Pension Economics Finance,16(1), 81-107. Wang, H., Koo, B., O'Hare, C. (2016). Retirement planning in the light of changing demographics.Economic Modelling,52, 749-763. Zacher, H., Griffin, B. (2015). Work, aging, and retirement in Australia: Introduction to the special issue.Work, Aging and Retirement,1(2), 129-132. Zhu, R. (2016). Retirement and its consequences for women's health in Australia.Social Science Medicine,163, 117-125.
Thursday, April 23, 2020
Lord of the Flies Theme and Summary of Chapter 12 Essay Example
Lord of the Flies Theme and Summary of Chapter 12 Paper Analysis Lord of the Flies (Chapter 12): Theme and Summary Summary of Chapter 12 Ralph is currently hiding from the other boys and starts to think about everything that’s happened with Simon, Piggy and the rest of the island when he has an epiphany. He realizes that they have lost their civilization, their innocence and how savage everyone has really become. While he was running, he comes across Simon’s field with the lord of the flies (which now only has the skull on it – shows the time spent on the island). He removes the skull in a fit of rage and takes the spear to use as his weapon. Later that night, Ralph sneaks back to Castle Rock and finds Sam and Eric and is given a warning that the tribe going to hunt him down. They give him food but don’t join him out of their fear. The next morning, Jack tortures the twins about Ralph’s whereabouts and tries to get through the thickets he’s hiding in but Ralph manages to fend them off. Realizing that Jack has set the jungle on fire when he smells the smoke, he leaves his hiding place and fights his way past the tribe members. As the Jack and the others chase him, Ralphs runs through the undergrowth and stops at the beach’s shoreline where he looks up to see a Naval Officer. The officer informs him that his ship stopped at the island after seeing the smoke from the fire. He assumes that the boys are playing around and having fun after hearing that there are no adults on the island until he hears the entire story. He can’t believe that in such a small amount of time these young English boys have changed so much. We will write a custom essay sample on Lord of the Flies Theme and Summary of Chapter 12 specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Lord of the Flies Theme and Summary of Chapter 12 specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Lord of the Flies Theme and Summary of Chapter 12 specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Overwhelmed by the fact that they are finally rescued, Ralph, Jack and the other boys started crying. Ralph cries with grief, for the loss of his innocence, and for Piggy, someone who was his truest friend. Theme: â€Å"Even if we don’t realize it, time changes us, and the one thing harder to accept is that we can’t change back. †* Loss of innocence : they have seen how cruel humanity can be and the evil that each human holds inside them piggy’s death Loss of civilization: Ralph sees how savage the people whom he saw as friends have become and that tears him apart and fills him with grief he worked together with Jack and now the person who he saw as an ally is the one trying to kill him * Looking back: they all started out as average, civilized, neat English boys who knew of order and now they have changed so much Jack will never be the same and neither will Ralph.
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